Dynastic Repo

Refund Policy

We want you to enjoy everything you purchase on Dynastic Repo, but sometimes that doesn't work out. If you're interested in getting refunded for a package, we can help.

We work hard to ensure that both our developers and customers have a fair experience when using Dynastic Repo. The following policy outlined ensures that customers are informed of how we will provide refunds and developers how they should handle these requests.

Refund Period

You can easily request a refund for up to 14 days after the transaction is successfully processed. This limited period ensures that customers do not refund packages that they have already enjoyed at the loss of developers.

If there are extenuating circumstances for which you require a refund after the period is complete, email Dynastic Support and provide information about your purchase. Please note that refunds are rarely issued after the period ends and each decision is made on a case-by-case basis. If your purchase is still within the 14-day period, please use the request process below.

Requesting a Refund

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, Dynastic offers a way for you to communicate your issue to the developer and request a refund. This process happens solely through Dynastic for the convenience and safety of both parties involved.

Use the following instructions to request a refund from the developer:

  1. Navigate to your Dynastic Account’s transactions.
  2. Select the transaction that you would like to refund.
  3. Read the instructions next to Looking for a refund?

The Request Process

In order to ensure maximum fairness for each side involved, Dynastic facilitates refund requests. We will not provide support for refund requests negotiated outside of this system.

  • If either side feels they are being treated unfairly, they can escalate the issue to Dynastic staff, who will make a final decision on the request.
  • If one side does not respond to the request within 7 days, it will automatically be decided in the other side’s favour.
  • A refund request may only be opened once per transaction, so this decision is final.

Valid Refund Reasons

There are many reasons you may want to refund a package, but to be fair to developers, not all are valid. The following are examples of reasons that developers should always be willing to refund you for:

  • Package wasn’t as advertised.
  • Package does not function correctly due to technical issues.
  • Package will not install.

If you feel that a developer is refusing your request although it falls into this category, it is recommended escalate the issue to Dynastic. If it does not fall into these reasons, it is up to the developer’s best judgement whether or not to provide a refund.